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DIY vs. Dermatologist Recommended Skincare

Our skin is the largest organ of the human body, so it's vital that we take care of it. Skincare has seen an incredible boost in the last decade, and new products, such as face masks and hydrating cleansers, are being released on the market every year. Social media and influencers have played a big role in skincare's increasing popularity as more and more people are beginning to take the health of their skin seriously. 

Some people work with a dermatologist — a certified hair, skin, and nails specialist — to determine the routine that would work best for them. Others turn to home remedies and handmade blends to boost their skin's natural beauty. 

DIY Skincare

If you've been around the internet long enough, you've probably seen a variety of DIY skincare routine videos or posts advertised by social media influencers or beauty bloggers. We've all felt inspired to start taking care of our skin in the same way so we can look radiant and feel confident. 

DIY skincare might be a great solution if you're on a budget or if you've run out of your regular products and can't find a last-minute replacement. Skincare is also an excellent act of self-care that can improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. 

Self-care has become more important than ever, which is why there has been such an emphasis on skincare lately. Focusing on yourself and taking time out of your day to care for your skin is easy to achieve and helpful for reducing anxiety. The ease of DIY skincare is a big part of why it's becoming so popular. 

With DIY skincare, you'll likely be able to find most of the ingredients you need in your own home. You can make your own face masks out of kitchen ingredients like yogurt, which can have several benefits for the skin. You can even make a sugar scrub that is perfect for eliminating dead skin from your hands and feet. Homemade lip balms are another popular choice since they are easy to make and often safe for the skin.

DIY skincare recipes vary, but they can be highly effective when used correctly. Conduct thorough research to determine the validity of the recipe you've found and what effect on the skin each ingredient has. You should also speak to a dermatologist before using any DIY skincare. Run a patch test by placing a small amount of the ingredient on your skin to see how your skin will react. 

Take note of any flare-ups, redness, or inflammation, and keep these ingredients out of your recipe. You can often find suitable replacements or a different recipe with the same desired effect. 

Dangers of DIY Skincare

While DIY skincare can be an excellent option for many, some methods or home remedies might be doing more harm than good. Some DIY recipes found online often recommend ingredients that can damage the skin. It's essential to research your ingredients list and discuss your options with an expert before moving forward. Consider leaving these ingredients out when you're making your own skincare products.

Acidic Fruits

There are all kinds of online skincare recipes that call for lemon or other acidic fruits. However, the acidity in lemon can irritate the skin and pull a lot of the natural moisture from your face. 

This irritation will be more apparent if you have dry or sensitive skin. Your skin may appear redder, seem dryer than usual, and may even begin to peel. Citrus fruits can also cause phytophotodermatitis, which happens when you expose your skin to sunlight after treating it with citrus. This chemical reaction can cause blistering and redness.

When creating a homebrew skincare product, look for other fruits to use, such as watermelon, which has been shown to boost hydration.

Toothpaste and Baking Soda

It was a common trend to use toothpaste or baking soda mixtures on acne-prone skin for a long time, and to this day, some people still turn to this trick to eliminate their acne. 

Both of these ingredients dry out the skin, seemingly making pimples and acne heal faster. The reality is that the ingredients in products like toothpaste actually throw off our skin's natural pH balance and dry out the face. Depending on your skin's sensitivity, toothpaste and baking soda could even cause a burning sensation.

Raw Eggs

There are some success stories with using raw egg as an effective skincare solution. But when done incorrectly, you leave yourself susceptible to salmonella. Salmonella skin infections aren't common, but it's better to err on the side of caution and find a safer alternative for your DIY skincare routine.


Some people use vinegar as a toner in their skincare routine, but there are some reasons to reconsider using this ingredient in your DIY skincare. Most notably, vinegar has a distinct smell that doesn't go away quickly. Other toners usually have a gentler fragrance, if any, since some fragrances cause allergic reactions and contact dermatitis in some people.

You might be tempted to try apple cider vinegar for a more pleasant scent. But this vinegar option can be caustic to the skin, meaning it can burn or irritate it, especially if you leave it on for long.

Kitchen Spices

One of the first places that people go when making their own skincare products is their kitchen. Some spices can benefit your skin, but others can cause serious irritation. Cinnamon, for instance, is considered a skin irritant.

If you're going to use kitchen spices or found an online DIY recipe that calls for the use of some, speak with an expert and do a spot test to see how your skin handles these ingredients. Conduct thorough research to determine what kitchen ingredients will dry out or inflame your skin and which ones can calm inflammation

Coffee or Sugar

Coffee and sugar scrubs have become a popular trend among beauty influences are there are countless recipes you can find online. These scrubs are great for the body but not for the face. The small granules of sugar and coarseness of coffee can cause microtears in the sensitive skin on your face. The damage can cause redness, irritation, and even burning. Look out for recipes that call for these ingredients so you can try something else or conduct further research if necessary. 

DIY skincare can help, but it's usually not formulated for your individual needs based on your skin type and lifestyle. Overall, choosing dermatologist recommended products is the safest way to protect your skin from unnecessary damage.

Why Choose Dermatologist Recommended Skincare

Dermatologists are experts in their field, and they have spent their lives curating skincare routines for various skin types. Their vast knowledge of skincare ingredients means they can recommend products based on your individual needs that will make your skin glow rather than cause any harm.

To follow dermatologist recommendations, you must first know your skin type, as different products are formulated for each. The main different skin types are:

  • Dry: You likely have a dry skin type if you commonly experience flakiness or itching. Your skin may also be rough to the touch.
  • Oily: The sebaceous glands in your skin produce oil to hydrate your face, but sometimes these glands can produce too much, especially in the T-zone. You likely have an oily skin type if you notice your skin has a sheen or parts seem greasy.
  • Combination: As the name suggests, combination skin is when you experience both dry and oily skin. 

You can get more specific with your skin type if you want, and many brands will offer you a free consultation to learn more. The more you know about your skin, the easier it will be to find a skincare routine that works for you. 

A dermatologist can recommend products with ingredients to hydrate your skin to combat the dryness, or they can give you a recommendation on the best products for acne-prone skin, which is more likely to occur with oily skin types.

Before we get into recommended skincare routines, there are a few general tips dermatologists urge their clients to follow to keep their skin in the best condition possible:

  • Quit smoking: Smoking has multiple effects on your skin, such as premature aging, eczema, dark spots, and skin cancer. You can prevent the development of these conditions by quitting smoking or choosing never to pick up the habit. 
  • Forgo tanning beds: It's normal to want the natural glow of a tan, but tanning beds emit UV radiation that can result in an increase of cancer-causing cells and result in melanoma. In fact, just one tanning session increases your chances of developing melanoma by 75% if you're younger than 35. Using a self-tanner instead can leave your skin healthier.
  • Reduce hand-to-face contact: Our hands touch all kinds of surfaces throughout the day. The dirt, grime, and bacteria on our hands can be transferred to our faces through simple touch and cause oil buildup and acne. Stay conscious of how often you touch your face throughout the day and wash your hands frequently to keep your face healthy and clean.
  • Inspect your face regularly: Sometimes, new spots, moles, or other abnormalities appear on our skin as we age. There can be many causes for this, but it is always good to rule out some more serious causes. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends seeing a dermatologist and checking your skin every year to catch any developments of melanoma. 
  • Eat well and get sleep: Taking care of your body will promote healthy skin. That means eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting enough sleep through the night. We know it's tempting to eat greasy foods and stay up into the late hours of the night, but this can affect the appearance of your skin.

When you take measures to protect your skin, you're making it easier to take care of in the long run. Following these tips in your daily life as part of your skincare routine is among the best ways to give your skin a fighting chance.

Dermatologist Recommended Skincare Routine

Depending on your skin type and individual needs, your skincare routine may vary greatly from someone else. If you aren't sure where to begin, dermatologists recommend starting with a simple twice-a-day routine of just a few products. Speak with your dermatologist when choosing skincare products and routines to get ones that will work for you, but here are some general recommendations:

In the Morning

You already brush your teeth in the morning and get ready for the day. Elevate your morning routine by implementing these simple steps:

  1. Start with a cleanser: To begin, rinse your face with clean water and wash your face with a cleanser. Choose a dermatologist recommended cleanser that's right for your skin type.
  2. Use a toner: The right toner will help remove any leftover dirt or grime trapped in your pores and revitalize your skin with all the necessary nutrients. Certain toners address specific issues, such as acne, so choose the one that's right for you. 
  3. Follow with a moisturizer: After the toner, you'll want to follow up with a moisturizer. Keeping your skin hydrated will help you maintain a youthful appearance for years to come.
  4. Apply sunscreen: UV rays can cause damage to the skin, so you'll want to provide a layer of protection before you hit the town. Use a gentle sunscreen with enough SPF to block UV light.

At Night

The day is winding down, and you're getting ready to crawl into bed and get some sleep. Before you get some shut-eye, take some time to follow these skincare steps:

  1. Start with makeup remover and cleanser: You'll want to wash away the dirt and grime that has accumulated by the end of the day. If you wear makeup, start with a makeup remover. You should always remove makeup before you go to sleep to prevent acne and fine lines. Next, go in with a cleanser to clean the skin of any leftover product or buildup.
  2. Use a retinoid or serum: After cleaning your face, your next step should be to use a retinoid or a serum. Your skin will have unique needs that specific serums can address, such as a serum for addressing lines and wrinkles or a pigment correcting serum for uneven complexions. 
  3. Finish with a moisturizer: Keeping the skin hydrated with a good moisturizer can help your skin look healthy for years to come. You can even use specialized moisturizing night creams to help reduce the signs of aging and repair past damage.


Different seasons of the year will change up your skincare routine slightly. For example, your fall routine might call for a heavier moisturizer as the air gets drier and winter approaches. In the spring, you might switch over to a lighter moisturizer since the air will be more humid with the incoming heat. 

Using a routine can bolster your skin and help it glow, but use products sparingly. Some people will require a more complex skincare routine, such as individuals with severe acne or skin conditions such as eczema. Too many products can irritate the skin and reverse the good you're trying to do. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for a more personalized skincare routine and to determine what would be right for you.

Find the Right Skincare Product at Exclusive Beauty Club

We know how important your skin is to your health and your confidence. We offer medical-grade and dermatologist recommended skincare products to get your skin where you want it to be. Whether you're looking for a product to fill out a simple routine or something specialized to your unique needs, our extensive skincare collection will have what you need.

If you're not sure where to start, our professional staff can assist you with choosing a product that will mesh perfectly with your current routine and needs. Contact Exclusive Beauty Club today to get started.