We all have skin issues, whether it's acne, high pigmentation, dry skin but some conditions are worse than others. At times, it's so embarrassing that we tend to try to cover it up with makeup to wear more clothing to cover it up. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that many people tend to have. It is a chronic disease that is driven by an overactive immune system. Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of it. In this article, we will discuss what it does to the skin, how to manage psoriasis, what are triggers.
What happens to the skin?
Psoriasis causes the skin to multiply at a rapid rate and causes discoloration to the skin. This makes the skin scaly and patchy with red coloration or dark coloration depending on the skin tone. The red patches are covered with grey scales. It can appear anywhere on the skin. The most common places are the scalp, hands, parts of the arm, or legs. On the scalp, it can begin to crust and be sensitive to hot water when washing hair.
Types of Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis:
This is the most common form of this condition. It will develop red lesions on the skin and silver scales on the skin that can be unsightly. This can appear anywhere from elbows, hands, or feet. This can be incredibly itchy and sore on the skin. This can also begin to peel on its own if this is too dry.
Scalp Psoriasis:
This is another common form. The skin lesion will appear on the scalp that will be itchy to the scalp as well. This will also begin to crust on the scalp and make it super sensitive when it comes to your normal wash day. This particular form can cause balding in some areas of the scalp if not taken care of. This can also prevent hair follicles from growing or growing past a certain length. If hair does grow it is at an extremely slow rate.
Inverse Psoriasis:
This form grows in skin folds; art pits, under breasts, inner elbow, in between legs, etc. Red patches form in these areas. It develops more so in warmer weather when you tend to sweat more in these areas. It can also worsen by friction from tight clothing.
Nail Psoriasis:
This one affects your nails. This can develop dents or pits in your nails. This also includes discoloration or abnormal nail growth. In severe cases, some patient's nails will separate from the nail bed or crumble on their own, leading to nail loss.
Guttate psoriasis:
This case develops drop-shaped sores on your chest, arms, legs, and scalp. Sometimes this one develops into plague altogether. However, this one tends to disappear on its own in a few weeks.
What causes Psoriasis?
It is still unknown what causes Psoriasis in the skin. Doctors have been studying for years for why it happens. At this time, we know that Psoriasis can be genetic and can also skip generations of people. However, several factors can trigger it.
1. Stress
Stress is a big factor with this skin condition. Psoriasis feeds off of stress because stress gives chemical signals from the brain to the body to react. Some people will break out in acne, get headaches, or even a cold sore. If your psoriasis is not abundant on your skin now, it will be more apparent because of your stress levels. Please take the time to manage your stress carefully, take some time off from work, set boundaries with the people that are causing you stress, do more self-care, etc. The goal here is to keep your stress levels and blood pressure normal to prevent the spread of psoriasis in other parts of your body.
2. Colds/Illness
Your immune system is your protection from getting sick. White blood cells help fight off viruses and infections to keep you healthy. If you have a compromised immune system, there are lots of vitamins you can take to strengthen your immune system. Vitamins such as D, Echinechia, elderberry, and vitamin C will keep your immune system up to par. When you're sick, psoriasis will take advantage of this and will spread like wildfire. Weak immune systems feed psoriasis.
3. Genetics
Psoriasis can be passed down in families, some generations can be skipped. If you have family members ( parents or grandparents ) that have Psoriasis, you need to be aware that the next generation of your children can be susceptible to the gene. The skin condition can appear in people a young as young children. Having the gene doesn't necessarily mean that you will develop the condition.
4. Infections
Infection can also weaken the immune system. You have to be careful to take care of any infections immediately because psoriasis feeds off of any illnesses.
How to manage Psoriasis?
Most of managing this is self-care, you must make yourself the priority. You must take care of your health. That means eating well and eat a healthier diet to prevent illnesses in the future. Stay fit and get as much exercise as you can to keep your heart healthy. Be diligent about getting sleep. Getting enough sleep helps strengthen your immune system. Your body heals the most when you get enough sleep daily. Your body works the most to heal when you are at complete rest. Also if you are receiving treatment for it now, don't stop treatment. Stay diligent with any treatment your dermatologist assigns to you.
Please also keep your skin hydrated during the colder months with heavier creams. Dry skin will worsen the condition. Be sure to drink a lot of water daily. Remember your overall health is super important.
Is there a cure for Psoriasis?
Unfortunately, there is no cure. It is not the end of the world, it is perfectly manageable. The best way to handle it is to pinpoint what's triggering your Psoriasis and attack that head-on. If you haven't contacted a dermatologist, then you should do it soon so you can be diagnosed with which type of Psoriasis you have. Based on what type of Psoriasis you have, your dermatologist will direct you to what best treatments you need to manage it.