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Do You Need to Moisturize Oily Skin?

24 Sep 2024
Do You Need to Moisturize Oily Skin?

If you have oily skin, you might think skipping moisturizer is the best way to keep your face from looking shiny. After all, why add more moisture to skin that already feels greasy? But the truth is, even oily skin needs hydration. In fact, moisturizing can help balance your skin’s oil production and improve its overall health. 

Let’s explore why moisturizing is essential for oily skin and how to find the right products to keep your skin looking its best.

Why Oily Skin Needs to Be Moisturized

Surprisingly, when you skip moisturizer,  your skin can become   dehydrated  . To make up for the lack of moisture, your sebaceous glands may go into overdrive, producing more oil to compensate. This leads to even more shine, clogged pores, and potentially more breakouts. 

Using a  moisturizer designed for oily skin  can help balance your skin’s hydration levels and reduce excess oil production.

Moisturizing oily skin is also important for  maintaining a healthy skin barrier . The skin barrier protects your skin from environmental damage, pollutants, and irritation. Without proper hydration, this barrier can become weak, leading to sensitivity and breakouts. By moisturizing daily, you can keep your skin’s protective barrier strong and healthy.

  •  Balances oil production:  Keeps your skin from producing too much oil.

  •  Prevents dehydration:  Keeps your skin hydrated and healthy.

  •  Protects your skin:  Strengthens your skin’s natural barrier against pollutants and damage.

What Causes Oily Skin?

Oily skin is often the result of  genetics , meaning if your parents had oily skin, you’re likely to experience it as well. But other factors, like  hormones , can also play a role. 

Hormonal changes, especially during  puberty, pregnancy, or even stress , can trigger an increase in oil production. 

Additionally, using  harsh skincare products or overwashing  your face can strip your skin of its natural oils, prompting it to produce even more oil.

It’s also important to understand that  your skin type can change over time . While you may have had dry skin during one stage of life, factors like aging, weather, or lifestyle changes can cause your skin to become oilier or more combination. 

Keeping up with your skin’s needs by moisturizing regularly is essential no matter what phase you’re in.

For those with sensitive skin, using retinol only at night might be the best option. The nighttime is when your skin naturally regenerates, so using retinol then can help support this process without exposing your skin to sunlight. Products like  SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0  are designed to be used at night for maximum effectiveness.

Different Oily Skin Types

Oily skin comes in various forms, and understanding these variations can help you tailor your skincare routine more effectively. Here’s a look at some common oily skin types and how their moisturizing needs might differ:

Combination Oily Skin

Combination oily skin  is characterized by having oily areas, typically in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), while other parts of the face, such as the cheeks, may be normal or dry. If you have combination oily skin, you should look for a moisturizer that balances oil control with hydration. Opt for lightweight, gel-based moisturizers that can provide hydration without adding extra grease to the oily zones. 

Acne-Prone Skin

Oily skin that is also prone to  acne  needs careful consideration when choosing a moisturizer. The goal is to provide hydration without clogging pores or worsening acne. Choose non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizers that include ingredients like niacinamide or salicylic acid, which can help with oil control and acne prevention. Products like  EltaMD AM Restore Moisturizer  can be beneficial for this skin type due to its lightweight and non-comedogenic formula.

Sensitive Skin

If you have oily skin that is also  sensitive , you'll need a moisturizer that is gentle and soothing while still controlling oil. Look for products with calming ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile that won’t irritate your skin. Avoid harsh exfoliants or products with strong fragrances that could aggravate sensitivity. A good choice for sensitive skin is the  Obagi Nu-Derm Toner , which can help balance oil without irritation.

Dehydrated Skin

Sometimes, oily skin can still be  dehydrated , meaning it lacks sufficient water despite its oily appearance. For this type of skin, focus on a moisturizer that provides hydration without adding extra oil. Look for hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which can help replenish water levels in the skin. Products like  EltaMD UV Clear Untinted Broad-Spectrum SPF 46  offer both hydration and sun protection, making them ideal for this skin type.

Which Moisturizers Are Best for Oily Skin?

Choosing the right moisturizer for oily skin is key. You want to look for products that hydrate your skin without clogging your pores or making your face look greasy. Here are some things to consider when picking a moisturizer for oily skin:

  •  Oil-free and non-comedogenic:  Look for moisturizers that are oil-free and labeled as non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t clog your pores. Products like  EltaMD AM Restore Moisturizer  are specifically designed for oily skin types and won’t contribute to breakouts.


  •  Lightweight formulas:  Avoid heavy creams or lotions that can feel greasy. Instead, opt for gel-based or water-based moisturizers that absorb quickly into the skin. 

  •  Mattifying ingredients:  Some moisturizers contain ingredients like salicylic acid or niacinamide that help control oil and reduce shine. These can be particularly helpful if you struggle with an oily face throughout the day.

Recommended Moisturizers for Oily Skin:

Remember, you can keep your oily skin hydrated without clogging your pores or adding to the shine by selecting the right product.

When To Moisturize Oily Skin

You should aim to moisturize  twice a day —once in the morning and once at night. In the morning, it’s best to use a moisturizer with SPF, like  EltaMD UV Clear Untinted Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 , to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. 

At night, after cleansing your face, apply a lightweight moisturizer to help your skin repair and restore itself while you sleep. Using a product like the PCA Skin Facial Wash Oily/Problem beforehand can help remove excess oil and prep your skin for moisture.

How Often Should You Moisturize?

For oily skin, moisturizing twice a day—morning and night—is usually enough. However, you should also listen to your skin’s needs. If your skin feels tight or dry after washing, don’t hesitate to apply a little extra moisturizer, especially during colder months when your skin might need more hydration.

Final Thoughts

Even if you have oily skin, moisturizing is a crucial step in keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and balanced. Using the right moisturizer can help regulate oil production, protect your skin barrier, and reduce the risk of breakouts. Make sure to choose a product specifically formulated for oily skin, and moisturize both morning and night to keep your skin looking its best.

For more tips on how to care for oily skin, check out our  guide to essential products for oily skin types  and explore our  recommended products for oily skin .

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