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How to Choose the Perfect Facial Cleanser

Maintaining an efficient skin care routine is crucial for healthy skin. With an immense amount of facial cleanser products on the market, you have a lot to consider in terms of brands. Additionally, everyone's skin is different, so you have to do a bit of research to find a face wash that works for you. From wrinkles to dehydration, you may also have specific skin features you'd like to change or improve. Altogether, choosing face products can take trial and error.

Continue reading to learn more about cleansing and how to choose a cleanser for your unique needs.

Common Misconceptions About Facial Cleansing

There are a few common misconceptions about facial cleansing that may steer people away from caring about skin care as a whole. However, practicing proper skin care is fundamental in achieving clear, hydrated skin. Some common misconceptions include the following:

  • Cleansing isn't an essential skin care step: Taking the time to cleanse your face once or twice a day ensures you remove all of the impurities that built up on your skin throughout the day. Between sunscreen, makeup, dirt, oil, and more, your skin needs a thorough clean before you go to sleep. Even if it doesn't seem like your skin needs it, washing your face is important.
  • If you wash your face until it feels tight, it's clean enough: When your skin feels tight after cleansing, it just means your cleanser is removing too much oil from your skin. Instead, you should use a gentler cleanser that doesn't strip your skin of its natural moisture. 
  • Cleansing multiple times daily can improve acne: Although it's important to cleanse your skin to manage acne, cleansing twice a day or after a workout doesn't improve acne. Avoid overwashing your face to maintain your skin's moisture barrier. It may seem counterintuitive, but an overly dry face can make acne worse.
  • You don’t need to adjust your cleanser based on seasonal changes in weather: It's important to understand you may need to adjust your facial cleanser based on seasonal changes. For some people, certain seasons will impact their skin care routine. For example, you may have very oily skin in the summer and very dry skin in the winter. Keep an eye on your skin throughout the seasons to see whether you need two separate cleansers.

Consequences of Using the Wrong Type of Facial Cleanser

Although it may be challenging to find the perfect facial cleanser for you, it's essential to do so. Otherwise, your skin will show the effects. For example, if you have sensitive skin and use a harsh, physical exfoliant every day, you'll likely notice more acne, scarring, chemical burns, or other side effects. Another example would be people with oily skin using cleansers meant for people with dry skin — your skin will be oilier as a result.

To give your skin the best chance of success, you must choose the correct cleanser for your skin type.

What's Your Skin Type?

Do you know your skin type? If not, you should learn it so you can choose the best facial wash for you. The main skin types include:

  • Normal: Those with normal skin don't experience excessive dryness or oiliness. Therefore, they won't notice dry patches, acne, or oiliness. While they may experience the occasional pimple, people with normal skin typically don't have many skin concerns.
  • Dry: Typically, dry skin occurs when your skin lacks moisture. If your skin is rough, dull, tight, and sensitive, you may have dry skin. Do you have to apply plenty of moisturizer in the winter to keep your skin comfortable? That's one sign you might have dry skin.
  • Oily: Having an over-production of sebum creates oily skin, which is created by your body’s sebaceous glands. When your skin is oily, you'll generally notice an unwanted shine and enlarged pores on your skin. Additionally, you may have acne.
  • Combination: This is a skin type that consists of both dry and oily elements. If you notice a rough texture, enlarged pores, and shine in certain areas of your skin, you likely have combination skin.
  • Acne-prone: Those with acne-prone skin have oily skin, but experience varying levels of acne. This could look like whiteheads, blackheads, closed comedones, and more.
  • Sensitive: Those with sensitive skin have skin that typically reacts negatively to certain external factors. For example, you'd be able to tell whether you have sensitive skin if you use a specific makeup wipe remover and you have a reaction as a result. Some ways to tell include stinging, burning, and redness.

If you're uncertain of your skin type, you can consult with a dermatologist to help you come to the right conclusion.

Types of Facial Cleansers 

Once you have a better understanding of your skin type, you'll have a much easier time finding the best facial cleanser for you. There are many types of cleansers, which are listed below:

  • Gel facial cleanser: A gel facial cleanser has a lightweight formula that actively removes makeup, dirt, and excess oil from your skin. This specific cleanser is good for normal, oily, acne-prone, and sensitive skin.
  • Cream facial cleanser: This is a moisturizing cleanser that removes makeup, dirt, and oil from your skin. This specific cleanser is good for normal, dry, and sensitive skin.
  • Acne cleanser: An acne cleanser includes a special ingredient — typically salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide — to help reduce the occurrence of acne. These face washes are best for people with acne-prone skin, as they're too drying and ineffective for other skin types.
  • Foaming face wash: This facial cleanser builds into a foam as you lather it into your skin. These typically begin as either a gel or cream, turning into a foam as you wash your face. A foaming facial cleanser is helpful for normal, oily, acne-prone, and sensitive skin types.
  • Oil cleanser: If you wear sunscreen or makeup during the day, you may find that starting your skin care routine with an oil cleanser helps remove them more thoroughly. The double cleansing method is extremely popular in Korean and Japanese skin care, which involves following the oil cleanser with your regular facial cleanser. Based on the type of oil used in the cleanser, people of all skin types can benefit.
  • Micellar water: Micellar water is a cleanser that includes micelles, which trap dirt and oil to remove them. It's commonly used around gentle areas of your face, including your eyes, to get rid of sunscreen and makeup. This cleanser is good for all skin types when followed by your regular cleanser.
  • Bar cleanser: A bar cleanser is a soap-free moisturizing facial cleanser that removes makeup, dirt, and oil. Because it's so gentle, it works well for normal, dry, and sensitive skin types.

Find Your Perfect Facial Cleanser Today

Looking for the perfect facial cleanser for your skin type? Check out Exclusive Beauty Club to help you build the perfect skin care routine for your needs. Exclusive Beauty Club sells a variety of dermatologist-recommended facial cleansers for every skin type, meaning you'll be able to find a product that helps put you on the path toward healthier skin.

If you have questions, contact us today, or sign up with us to become a part of our family. 


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