( plated ) SkinScience™

( plateado )™ SkinScience es el primer y único producto tópico para el cuidado de la piel que aprovecha el poder de los exosomas derivados...
( plateado )™ SkinScience es el primer y único producto tópico para el cuidado de la piel que aprovecha el poder de los exosomas derivados de plaquetas. El ingrediente patentado, Renewosomes™, contiene billones de exosomas renovadores que brindan una defensa natural contra los signos del envejecimiento. Ayuda a proteger de...
( plateado )™ SkinScience es el primer y único producto tópico para el cuidado de la piel que aprovecha el poder de los exosomas derivados de plaquetas. El ingrediente patentado, Renewosomes™, contiene billones de exosomas renovadores que brindan una defensa natural contra los signos del envejecimiento. Ayuda a proteger de los factores estresantes ambientales que desencadenan el envejecimiento celular, disminuye la apariencia de enrojecimiento, disminuye la aparición de arrugas, manchas marrones, enrojecimiento y opacidad, minimiza el tamaño de los poros y mejora el tono, la textura y la juventud de la piel.

( plated ) SkinScience™

About ( plated )™ Skin Science

Rion Aesthetics is a regenerative aesthetics company, pioneering the use of platelet-derived exosomes for skincare and restorative clinical applications. Backed by 15 years of visionary science, we aim to transform skincare through the launch of ( plated )™ SkinScience, a scientific breakthrough leveraging Human Platelet Extract, a key ingredient full of antioxidants and growth factors that help to rejuvenate skin. Beyond skincare, Rion Aesthetics is developing the first room-temperature off-the-shelf regenerative exosomes to address unmet needs in aesthetic applications such as hair loss and wrinkles.

What is ( plated )™ Skin Science?

( plated )™ SkinScience is the first and only topical skincare product harnessing the power of platelet-derived exosomes. ( plated )™ SkinScience contains trillions of regenerative exosomes rich in proteins and enzymes providing a natural defense against the signs of aging.

The future of medicine is here with Rion’s Human Platelet Extract (HPE), a regenerative exosome formula that promotes cell growth and the formation of new blood vessels, and reduces inflammation. 

Human Platelet Extract are platelet exosomes. Platelets have long been in use in the medical world to help heal and regenerate cells and tissue, from wound healing to regrowing hair. Platelets naturally release exosomes, which are communicators between injured and uninjured cells. The exosomes deliver cellular cargo from one cell to another, targeting exact tissues in need of repair. HPE contains trillions of regenerative exosomes rich in proteins and enzymes. This formula provides a natural, powerful defense against the signs of aging. 

( plated )™ SkinScience Benefits

Rion’s proprietary manufacturing process produces a pure, stable product, while also preserving exosome bioactivity. This ensures the potency of the product. (plated) SkinScience serum provides the following benefits for patients:

  • Powerful antioxidant enzymes
  • Eliminates free radicals to disrupt environmental influences triggering cellular aging
  • Achieves a calming effect on the skin
  • Diminishes the appearance of redness and swelling
  • Reduces the appearance of skin imperfections, such as broken capillaries and dark spots
  • Supports collagen growth
  • Minimizes pore size
  • Improves skin tone, texture, and youthfulness
  • Helps achieve radian, luminous skin